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What California hometown is known as the Exposition City? Find the Answer

What Vermont hometown is known as the Queen City Of Vermont? Find the Answer

What New Jersey hometown is known as the Business Heart of the Lakeland Area? Find the Answer

What South Dakota hometown is known as the Denver Of South Dakota? Find the Answer

What South Carolina hometown is known as the Flower Town In The Pines? Find the Answer

What's the name of the park commemorating the aviation pioneers who flew their first airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903. Find the Answer

What was the name of the first B-17 bomber to complete 25 missions over Germany during WWII? Find the Answer

What Texas hometown is known as the City That Built Its Seaport? Find the Answer

What hometown is known as the City of Lost Footsteps? Find the Answer

On June 11, 1881, a petition for incorporation, signed by 41 of the 365 people in Springville, Iowa, was presented to a district judge. On what date was the question of incorporation put to the voters? Find the Answer


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