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History, Trivia and Facts
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What Tennessee hometown is known as the Atomic Energy City? Find the Answer

What Mississippi hometown is known as the City Of Rich Cultural And Residential Charm? Find the Answer

During the War of 1812, British soldiers burned down what Washington, D.C. landmark? Find the Answer

What New York hometown is known as the Babylonian Bedlam? Find the Answer

What West Virginia hometown is known as the Smokeless Coal Capital Of The World? Find the Answer

Why didn't the village of Waynesville, Illinois, ever flourish after its initial settlement? Find the Answer

From 1200 to the 1830s, which ancestors considered the Murrieta (California) Hot Springs land sacred? Find the Answer

What Colorado hometown is known as the City of Sunshine? Find the Answer

What Vermont hometown is known as the Marble Capital Of The United States? Find the Answer

Where did Charlestown, Maryland, get its name from? Find the Answer


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