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How many girls basketball state championship teams did Cindy Blodgett play on? Find the Answer

What Georgetown artist is best known for her illustratios of children's books? Find the Answer

What is Maine's oldest saltwater fishing tournament? Find the Answer

Which composer was named honorary fire chief of the Hancock (Maine) Volunteer Fire Department? Find the Answer

Who wrote "The Fastest Hound Dog in the State of Maine"? Find the Answer

What was the name of the movie theater in Kingfield from 1925 to 1935? Find the Answer

Where was the movie On Golden Pond originally planned to be filmed? Find the Answer

Where was Brooklyn Dodgers ace pitcher Sandy Koufax born? Find the Answer

What is the name of the harness racing grandstand at the Fryeburg fairgrounds? Find the Answer

What ten-year-old won the world championship for two-baton twirling? Find the Answer

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