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History, Trivia and Facts
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Where on the coast are you most likely to see a right whale? Find the Answer

What is Maine's most popular recreation area for swimming, hiking, and boating? Find the Answer

Who wrote the song "I Cannot Spin Tonight"? Find the Answer

Which Maine coastal town was ravaged by a great fire in 1947? Find the Answer

Who was Victoria Crandall? Find the Answer

What movie about a football star was shown at the Biddeford City Theater in 1926? Find the Answer

What Maine museum has a lobster exhibit? Find the Answer

How far did Stan Lemelin and Rick Foss of Lewiston ride their motorcycles in twenty-four hours? Find the Answer

Who was the strongest man in the world in the 1930's? Find the Answer

During the 1850's, what was the world's busiest lumber port? Find the Answer


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