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How long did the Clay-Liston heavyweight championship bout in Lewiston last? Find the Answer

How many passengers can board the sightseeing vessel Voyageur out of Belfast, Maine? Find the Answer

The world's largest recorded boulder is located where? Find the Answer

Where is the Piscataquis Valley Fair held? Find the Answer

What is the name of author Kate Douglas Wiggin's home in Gorham? Find the Answer

What was the best-selling confection at the Houlton Dairy Bar during the summer of 1994? Find the Answer

Where is the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum? Find the Answer

Which is Maine's highest mountain? Find the Answer

What shipwreck inspired Longfellow's poem "The Wreck of the Hesperus"? Find the Answer

How was Gardiner's A-1 Diner billed when it opened in 1946? Find the Answer

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