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History, Trivia and Facts
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Fritz Guenther opened a spa at the Murrieta (California) Hot Springs in what year? Find the Answer

What California hometown is known as the Spanish Village? Find the Answer

What California city is home to the largest system of underground caves in America? Find the Answer

What California hometown is known as the Sin City? Find the Answer

What was the original name of the California city of Big Sur? Find the Answer

Where would you have to go to see Ribbon and El Capitan? Find the Answer

What California hometown is known as the Land of Romance and Recreation? Find the Answer

What was the town of Sebastopol, California, named for? Find the Answer

This trusty geyser in Napa Valley, California blows its top almost every hour! What is it called? Find the Answer

If you took a trip on Route 66, what two cities would be the end points of your journey? Find the Answer

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